Directed Energy Weapon - AKA Cuban Syndrome or in medical field High Intensity Focused Ultra Sound (HIFU) - used in oil industry to inspect for cracks also - WMD used on citizens to get assets by hidden faction called Kangaroos because they hide stuff in their pockets when nobody is looking - & if you do look? - you get kicked with DEW - New Alternate "tax" Policy in America - pay up or get Alzheimer's with energy spectrum weapon - better have a spectrum analyzer handy
Those congressional junk yard dogs in justice department just dogdewed all over them - Kangaroo DogDEW on you if you don't buy
Datable Effeminate White Sissy. Acronym for a tempting trap that you could be seen in public with.
I think china is trying to attack the US with powerful DEWS like Natalie mars.
A Baltimore slang for the word Do
Don't dew dat yo!
Im going down the Horseshoe tonight yo cuz i aint got nothing to dew
dew is a respectable young pretty lady. she has a lot of rumours about her that aren’t true. a lot of people say she’s a slut even though she has never lost her virginity. she’s really nice and very pg13.
i heard dew is a slut. she told me she isn’t and i’m going to believe her because everything she says is right. she is very smart and got 100/100 on her test.