Source Code

Jim Welsh

Jim welsh is a man created by the group who sneaks into Hawaiian convenience stores and steals the sandwiches and uses them as puppets and sells them 15 dollars a ticket out of his car trunk as a show.

Hello, Im Jim welsh. You look away and i take every last sandwich here.

by XyzMoonVR July 31, 2023


When you urinate in a condom, tie it off, freeze it and the woman pretends it's a man.

Jim and his wife got kinky and invenjted the Frosty-Jim

by Seth Griffen February 12, 2015

21πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Frosty Jim

You urinate in a condom, tie it off, freeze it, and then the woman pretends it’s a man.

Last night my girl and I got crazy, she wanted me to do a frosty jim.

by Boombaasta February 9, 2015

20πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

frosty jim

When a man urinates in a condom and freezes it. Then the woman he is with pretends that the frozen condom is a guy.

Dude did you hear that Justin gave Melissa a frosty Jim the other night?


Yah he pissed in that condom and froze it. Then Melissa pretended it was Justin.

by Frosty Jim February 9, 2015

21πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


Stands for: Jesus Is My Savior

Describes a person who is conservative due to extremely strict religious beliefs.

You can typically spot a JIMS if they have a lot of Facebook photos with their Church friends.
They don't do any sexual or illicit activities such as partying as they view it as against their religion.

Typical things that a JIMS would say is:

"I really hope my church friend asks me to prom!"
"No sorry, I'm waiting until marriage"
"I don't need a man because I have Jesus!"
"Don't worry, I'll pray for you"

Guy 1: Dude she's really cute. Should I ask her to prom?

Guy 2: Sorry man. She's a JIMS. She is already going with her church friend after they have dinner with their pastor after talking about the book of Genesis.

by j.park February 8, 2016

4πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Jim

When you get the girl your friend wants, and you send him pictures of the two of you in action

I did a proper Dirty Jim on Liam last night, but he did thank me for the pics!

by Immaterial prankster March 30, 2020

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Jim Jams

Song(s) that have a beat & lyrics that intoxicates your very soul ultimately leading you to jam out.

Throwback songs, well known songs, or songs that your group knows all the lyrics to.

"What kind of music do y'all want to listen too?"

"Put on those Jim Jams!!!"

by ineedsomemilk August 5, 2017

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