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Offensive Meme

An offensive meme is a branch of internet meme that has no limits or rules, and therefore any criticism that it is subject to is nullified as long as it is branded an 'Offensive Meme.'

It's an offensive meme, and my private story is called offensive memes. No boundaries here, boomer.

by RoyceTarantino December 19, 2019


A subgenere of Hip Hop. Meme-Hop is defined by it's bad lyricism, and instrumentals that range from terrible to actually good. It's meant as satire on wannabe rappers. Meme-Hop was created by the rapper Kuren$ee, and inspired by Politikz. The first Meme-Hop track is considered to be the Kuren$ee experience, by Kuren$ee.

Jim: Hey Gary, did you hear the new Meme-Hop track from Kuren$ee?

Gary: Yeah, I'm in debt for therapy because of it.

by Weet Bix June 29, 2016

Meme Bus

A bus full of dank memes.

I just rode the meme bus and saw big chungus.

by BigChungus.net January 11, 2019

Emmaus Memes

Emmaus Memes is a Instagram page that was created by a student/ex-student from Emmaus College Jimboomba aimed at getting back at the school for stupid rules, refusal to do simple things and really really bad fucking choices.

"Hey MR Schweed can you get the bubblers fixed?"
(6 Months later in the middle of summer)

"That fucker lied!! Time to make some Emmaus Memes"

by TheEmmausDefiner October 28, 2018

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One who shows a high level of proficiency in the art of creating high quality memes.

That fellow is a skilled meme-ologist, his "The steaks have never been higher" meme is by far my favorite.

by ALTM4N September 5, 2013

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old meme

An internet joke that has been run into the ground so many times that it loses it's comic value.

There are WAY too many old memes on Encyclopedia dramatica :P

by queen_azure March 18, 2008

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Instagram Meme

Imagine an app that was like IFunny, but even worse than that piece of shit by 3 times and make its lands more wild and untamable. Remember earrape or that one meme that came out 2 years ago. It's now on someone's "Meme Page" all cropped up with low quality and a caption on the top going "LMAO WHO DID THIS!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚".

Basically you have an already shit app your sibling's niece talks about to be an Instahoe. The meme pages are all the same saying a meme slang with a .meme, jpg, etc. Is it original, no you dumb fuck it's all made by 11-16 year olds trying to act like they are hilarious and gets pissed at anyone who says elsewise by attempting to assert his MANLY DOMINANCE!!!

Scum (Really white btw): Hey there my girl what's good.

Girl: Hey how's it going?
Girl (Thinking): Oh fuck, not again with this shit.

Scum: Wanna see my new instagram meme nigga?

Girl: Sure!

*Unessacary earrape meme*

Girl: Listen I can't so this, just fuck you!

by DarkShiiiiieeeet July 6, 2018

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