the belief in one's own talents, work ethic, abilities, and savvy to accumulate wealth and forge a life of wealth, prosperity, and happiness no matter what the tax burden from the local, state, or federal government.
Phil's "neo-rugged individualism" reminds him to look to himself to develop new marketable skills and knowledge to accumulate wealth and stop looking to the government for a handout in the form of a tax break.
When you are eating a girl out and she farts.
Last night I was in bed with a girl and smelt something and I think she was going Dutch on a rug.
In the ski and mountain biking Mecca of Rossland, B.C., all trucks in town can be seen with a tailgate protector mat
( usually a Dakine mat), with multiple bikes hanging.
This Rossland Rug on the tailgates of trucks has become synonymous with mountain biking in British Columbia, and everywhere mountain bike culture exists.
That new trail must be ready to shred, look at all the Rossland Rugs in the parking lot!!
A replacement of bad words you when your angry (like the "f" word)
A crude term for eating vagina. Rug-Chomping can also be used as a derogatory term for lesbian sex acts.
"Man, that rug-chomping dyke-bat gets more pussy than I do. My life sucks."
"I didn't see Joe at all yesterday, he was rug-chomping that wildebeest from the club all night."
When someone pulls a rug from one place to another place
"Aladdin's rug pull game was strong."
Someone who has a lot of money
Ed: "lets go to this restaurant" Pete: " i cant, im broke" Ed: "please...your'e a rich bug on a rug"