Japanese style animation. Some of the community for some animes/mangas are extra and pretty weird but there's also some really good communities and the shows are solid.
Weaboo 1: Yo you got any anime reccomendations?
Weaboo 2: Broo you gotta get onto One Piece
Weaboo 1: NAH that shit is way to long
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the best thing to ever exist and is amazing
anime is good
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Anime is a type of cartoon, like ones we have in america but from japan, derived from english word animation, but apparently CNN has called anime child porn
ex. That dude is watching anime again?
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anime is the type of show that once you finish it you have this emptiness in your heart that you have to fill with more anime. this is where u get attached to every single character only to watch them die because the creators just wanted you to cry.
friend: why are you crying so much
me: because fuckin *insert anime character* just had to fucking die like why they gotta do me like that
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A style of traditional animation prominent in Japan known for extremely herky-jerky but expressive motion and highly detailed designs.
Anything from the world-renowned anime studios Studio Ghibli and Production I.G.
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anime in a needle — a name for fentanyl. A single drop of that shite makes you and the world seem like a Japanese anime complete with tentacle sex; school girls who turn into salacious sex monsters; and, inter dimensional ninjas with unparalleled skills.
Or, it just kills you.
The promise of an outrageous high makes people ready to risk it all to be “in the cartoon”.
In some regions, survivors of fentanyl overdose are called “cartoon characters” — as a call back to Wylie Coyote who always survives the mayhem visited upon him by Road Runner.
Fentanyl is also called “Road Runner”. Because it is highly addictive, people will “work hard” to feed their habit. Predictably, those addicted to fentanyl are called “Road Runners” or “Runners”.
The incentive to sell fentanyl is high because its kilo to cut profit is high.
The names associated with this drug tells you a lot about the people addicted to it; because speaking generally, neither Black nor Brown people read Japanese Anime.
The deadliness of fentanyl is feared among veteran drug uses. They actually tell new drug users to use Crack Cocaine as an alternative to ANY injected substance fearing that the potency of heroin is being “unscientifically” boosted with fentanyl.
When asked if the Crack could also possibly be laced with fentanyl the veterans say:
“Well, if it kills you on your first hit of the pipe; then, there was fentanyl in the crack. You might want to watch a round and let somebody else go first.”
Just sayin’.
The use a lot of that anime in a needle in Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. LIVE FREE AND DIE!!!!!!
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When you masterbate over anime porn more frequently than real porn
Thats the 5th time this week I have searched and wanked over Elastigirl's thicc arse. I think I have ANIME PSYCHOSIS
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