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The coolest person you'll ever meet. They dislike penis. They're hot asf and they like boobies

Some guy: Aris is hella gay bro
Aris: yes

by Arisc027 November 22, 2021


Unisex name

For males a pretty outgoing a sporty Guy def packing tho

For females prolly nice but a lill nerdy

Ari a pretty chill dude

by Big wang gang January 24, 2022


someone who is being a crackhead, funny, loud, and hyperactive. a person who you would love to be around and makes everything more entertaining 🏃🏻 ♀️

karen: omg leslie you’re so Ari rn 😭😂

by mayuh November 11, 2020


Mostly an overweight male.An annoying jerk,who tells on his classmates for telling him to stop singing a song about strippers.

Key words they say multiple times a day:


Did I ask?

And now you know why I hate everyone in this class.

*insert any rude comment about the teacher*

Somebody come get herrrr she’s dancin like a stripper

Jason: Hey are can you stop singing the stripper song?



Ari: Tells for “bullying

by StromboliLover69 January 18, 2020


the biggest definition of mid, she's always horny and likes genshin

person: dayum im not mid horny and like genshin

by ari's bsf March 3, 2022


ari is a very cool chill person, if you r friends with her you have won in life, no one is better than ari she is a god, she has very much rizz and is super hot

“omg ari just walked by shes so hot

by dayuuummmnnnnn December 17, 2022


Aris, a very inteligent person. Seems to be perfect, but gives off depressed vibes. We love a good Aris.

Aris, how are you always on your computer but so good in school?

by vikicano November 21, 2021