word for an extensively long log of fecal matter
Yo, that man just laid out a fat bung weasel!
When you have stringy poop that doesn't disconnect when you take a shit leaving part of the shit dangling from your anus.
Dude I took a huge dump last night but it didn't cut. Man, I was totally bungee dumping.
When someone eats some sort of string such that when one takes a dump the shit is formed on the thread of string, and when exiting the anus performs a bungee jump-like action in the toilet bowl.
Hey dude I was watching the fishes in the aquarium and i ate a string and my shit was totally bungee dumping!
An expression used when feeling a sense of hunger so strong you’d desperately eat a camera or something of equal or greater value
“I was hiking in the alps, and when i came back i was bungee bungalow bungry…! Luckily for me, i didn’t eat my furniture as i’d probably die-“
Bung is a barrel. Wopple is to empty. So, you wopple the bung.
it's slang for calling someone a butthole.
Grace says: "Jake is a bung wopple!"
Jake says: "I'm going to wopple your bung Weston!"
The action of holding one down and allowing the accumulation of spitale to hang in opponents face before retracting at the last moment.
I'm going to bungee-jump you after school.