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chavs are simply the dregs of human existance which generaly show them selfs as being dumb, lazy and violent.

the classic chav will hang around a lamp post shouting at anyone who walks past him and trying to start fights with inocent people, untill someone punches him in the face and couses him to run off cring to his brother/girlfriend/friends saying that they were randomly attacked for no reason

by OXIV August 31, 2010

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A prejudicial expression to define white urban disadvantaged youth. It is normally used by snobbish urbans in denial with their own desenchantment with their careers and life as an young adult in general. Labelling others as "Chavs" is an desperate attempt to feel superior to someone. "Chav" is a term used to alienated those who grew up under very rough conditions (no good family structure, no nice neighbourhood, no adequate role model) and to keep up a ridiculous British class system. Definitions of "Chav" are often exageratted stereotypes, that are not based on real experiences, but repetitions from what it is seen in the Media.

Chavs: Term used by deluded lower middle class young adults to define anyone who they feel to be inferior to themselves.

by Bee Smith September 10, 2006

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A boring stupid idiot who pretends to like greenday so all the emo girls will think hes cool. Their usually short, have bad hair, and dress like gangsters. Their friends are either mentally retarded people or other chavs. Known for very bad comebacks.

girl:eww im breaking up with you ur a chav
aaron (chav):well i slept with ur mom ON THURSDAY
girl:ok whatever
aaron (chav): ur a fat goth!!!!! ooo.
girl:just shut up. ur sad.
aaron (chav): ur mom!!!!!

by pixiebitch June 9, 2007

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People who should basically go die! They are a race of tacky, ugly people who can't seem to see everyone hates them and that they have no future/musical taste/sense of style/contraception.

See wanker scum bastard scrounger retard fail

Non-Chav: Hi
Chav: You startin mate!?! You wanna be banged out!?!
Non-Chav: *walks away*

by punkplatypus August 6, 2010

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"Chavs" was originally UK anti-Gypsy slang, much like "N*ggers" in the USA.

It has for roughly five years been used as a group name by middle class English youth to describe their working class (poorer) opposite numbers (usually white and applying to both sexes). It isn't a neutral term: it means ugly, smelly, dirty and so on.

The person using the term most likely considers themselves more sensitive, more artisitc, more open-minded, and more "against teh system!!1!" than the "chavs", and is simply not interested in the following ludicrous ideas:

a) working class people do not all pose a threat to one's health/expensive mobile phone/taxpayer's money(!!11!!)

b) working class people who do pose a threat may do so because of their treatment by the economic system, and not through their own personalities

c) hating working class people based on the fact they can't afford the same expensive "anti-establishment" (Hot Topic and similar) clothes as you is actually playing straight into the hands of the establishment

d) why is Pete Doherty cool but "OMG some smackhead on the street isn't"

e) the working class are "people"

Middle class young dude: "OMG LOL I saw this Chav woman before with two kids I was like OMG why don't I just kick those kids in the face with my converse trainers like Chuck Norris OMG I should kill them all like that Hitler dude that'd be cool ROFL she's not gonna steal my mobile when I totally kick her kids in the head lol"

His friend: "Yeah I know Chavs aren't very nice people when you think about it"

by A. Weekofplenty April 8, 2006

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For many years people have been misunderstanding what a Chav resembles.
He can either be the teenage version, or even the old man still living out his teenage image.

Whichever, he will appear in the same looking clothing as before with his hands down his front, after he has sprayed his genitals with some form of deodorant, washed his willy in the sink for not having a bath/shower for days. Still have last weekends hair gel in his hair with extra added on top for the following weekend. And in some cases, particularly the older kind, tend to wear too many rings on their hand, just to show how many of his bros he has secretly given bro jobs to and a souvenir to be grateful for.

Larry: *waiting on park bench in the under 12s playground*
Harry: a'rite mate. Fancy a tug on the old pipe?
Larry: gis a push on da swing first.
Harry: go on then.

Larry: us chav like, gotta stick together like dried spunk on a sock. Right Harry?

by Long Johns August 30, 2019

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The 'classic' idea of a chav is as a member of a working-class or underclass youth culture centred around tasteless imitation and embracing of consumer culture as an antidote to poverty and lack of hope. Although the chav stereotype is based upon reality, the concept is largely a media phenomenon that has ironically ended up as a self-fulfilling prophecy through imitation.

Overall, though the existence of a wasted youth element is a reality, pouring venom and vitriol on chavs is a favourite pastime for the semi-literate (who, unfortunately, are too illiterate to see their own deficiencies and that they are only a few steps away from the character they are attacking). In recent times the term 'chav' has made way for 'feral youth'; a term much favoured by working-class Tories and people who read lowbrow newspapers as a substitute for thinking.

Hey there's two chavs nicking your car! Oh sorry, it's just your mum and dad going to the supermarket.

by Baroncorvo February 27, 2016

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