This is an unintentional click/ like on a pic or post that you don't actually like but subsequently too lazy (or maybe even too nice) to go back and unlike/unclick.
Crap! I "liked" her pic by accident, now I got total click regret.
A group of people, mainly at work or school or clubs or bars etc... that are powerful only together to talk about other people's stereotypes forgetting they are not perfect even using filters.
Click group is a circle of bitches talking about others stereotypes
A fake promise where you want one thing and get another (The internet rn essentially)
How to make blueberry pie
You Finally found a recipe
*Plays video of lady showing her double deckers*
Oh... this is click bait.... *unzip es pant*
someone that can click fast and a dumb ass
wow your blankyyy clicking
Click Clack Blast is an action performed by a famous League of Legends player by the name of Eki.
It's a tree step action were he calculates, grasps and executes an action to totally obliterate an enemy from the face of summoners rift.
Riot has tried get in reach with the player but they got blasted to.
being defined Eki blasted yasuoforwin beyond all eternity
Click clack blast can be defined as a religion.
"I'm a true blasterian
The deep and instant regret you feel when you've clicked on an ad or click bait story.
I experienced click remorse after I clicked on one of those "what she looks like now" celebrity gossip headlines.