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Fanny slapping

The act of drying out an aroused female lover by repeatedly slapping her wet vagina and generating nothing but a dry and annoyed result.

"Everything was going fine until he started fanny slapping me!"

by Fannyslapper April 20, 2010

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Fanny Guitar

(Australia, Britain) - Female Masturbation
The act of strumming one's own female sex organs.
Often results in pain due to friction after a particulalry energetic session.

US Adaptation: Pussy Guitar

Olivia: What are you doing over there Linda?
Linda: Nothin much just playing a bit of Fanny Guitar

Ness loved nothing more after a hard days work than to strum her Fanny Guitar

by Lisa Rossi March 6, 2007

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fanny annie

an over enthuisiastic idiot

oh he's such a fanny annie when it comes to football

by Jay February 25, 2004

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well a fanny wanker is a girl hu pulls the lips of her fanny (the labia) up and down this is a fanny wank

god ur ur such a fanny wanker go n av a fanny wank u fanker (fanny + wanker = fanker)

by jodiexxxxxxxxxx August 27, 2005

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Fanny Mankler

A Women who has the ability to pull her vagina flaps down over her ankles

Huge big Flaps that scrape on the ground

by Dylan February 16, 2005

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Fishy fanny

Her fanny smells of fish when she opens her legs

Go on Kyle lad get in there that fishy fanny u must love it

by Fishy fanny March 16, 2019

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fanny rubber

When certain people *cough* a friend of mine.. likes to "rub" their fanny.

Since i cant get laid...... im just gonna rub my fanny! Im such a fanny rubber!

by fucking-faggot November 5, 2007

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