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Bit the whale

Died (often suddenly or unexpectedly)

"Poor old Juergen, he was sick for months and just when he seemed to be getting better he bit the whale. I'm going to miss that guy."

by TheUberGruber June 29, 2018

Bit Brain

The opposite of a Big Brain.
someone who does someting realy stupid and therefore has a brain that works in mere bit/s

*someone doesnt get an easy joke*
peson1: ahhhh i get it!
person2: what kind of bit brain do you have that that took you so long?

by Luxar September 27, 2019

Whittle Bit

Basically saying "little bit" but in child-like voice.

Boy: How much do you want?

Girl : Just a "whittle bit".

by whittlebits April 30, 2014

A bit [Gary]

Australian Slang

1. A caring, friendly, unselfish action by a person is is always available when needed most

2. An action by one who is dedicated to the happiness of others, often to the detriment of his/her own needs

3. A sacrificing spirit for a friend who doesn't really deserve a helping hand, an unexpected helping hand by a friend who is often lazy

It was very generous of her to turn up and start helping out with our renovations...it was a bit Gary of her.

We were surprised he came to help on the carwash...it was a bit Gary and very much appreciated.

by AmandaSander December 21, 2017

Doing It For the Bit

An unhealthy ideology. Following a joke beyond all definitions of humor, sanity, and practicality.

Walking in on ones of the boys having sex with another man:
"Don't worry dude, I'm doing it for the bit!"

by Coco PEartree October 30, 2023

Bit on the nose

- Sus


- Smelly/Stinky

Oh that Edward, he's a bit on the nose

by MollFactoryRacing November 20, 2020


Back tits

you seen that girl at the beach she had bits..back tits

by alphayankee3 July 8, 2010

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