Source Code

grass stick

a joint, brain-dart, marijuana cigarette

pass that grass stick Yo, quit bogart'n that grass stick, roll up a grass stick

by backyardchaos September 15, 2009

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Urban Grass

A slang term for weed, otherwise known as marijuana.

Smoke that Urban Grass before it burns out.

by JaymeDISCO August 23, 2009

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grass goose

A very rare species of goose that is only found on a small island in the Pacific Ocean, that is called Grass Goose Island. They are well known for their intelligence and capability of understanding human language and phrases. Grass Geese typically live 10-12 years. They are also well known for their rapid Coca Cola production. Grass geese numbers have been decreased dramatically over the past 20 years - as poatchers hunt them down and kill them for their unusually green, beautifully long feathers, and their Coca Cola glands which is not present in any other animal in the world.

A grass goose enjoys some goose grass

by Foxy011 June 4, 2018

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zombie grass

over grown yard; weeds
No matter how many times you mow, zombie grass just keeps coming back like a nightmare.

That old house is surrounded by zombie grass. Good luck getting it mowed.
We lost our ball in the zombie grass.

by XTT0401 May 28, 2016

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Playing in the grass

fucking a chick with hair down there

i played in the grass last night

by Jbob April 27, 2003

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smoking grass

oral pleasure being given to someone with the name of grass. most oftenly a homosexual act (male on male fellatio).

jason was out smoking grass last night

by 271927 May 21, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Snake in the grass

So...some bitch is sleeping right? you sneak up and slap ur huge cock acrossed her face. And whisper "snake in the grass"

Last night my mom was sleeping i walked in and whispered "snake in the grass" as slaped my dick acrossed her face

by Dingle D June 26, 2009

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