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Pop Town

1. Somewhere you send your children when they are misbehaving.

2. A slap on the bottom.

If you don't turn off that video game you'll be taking a quick trip to pop town!

by Candies December 11, 2010

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hippy town

A hippy town or a hippy village is often a small community of free thinkers living a β€œdo it yourself life” often the whole community pay for and share meals. Many times alcohol is not permitted but ganja is a common thing. Some eco-villages also fit this definition.

Rainbow Hippy Village is a hippy town in Spain

by stroner September 20, 2006

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Swag Town

The most powerful race by far

Swag Town rolling to crew battle

by Member of Swag December 30, 2021

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the tri-town

The tri-two includes the small rural towns of Plainville, Wrentham and Norfolk. The tri-town is located in the white suburbs of Massachusetts, where most people are descended from irish families who fled South Boston.

Norfolk: the wealthy part of the tri-town located in the northern most part. This is where you’ll find the nicest houses, the safest neighborhoods and the wealthiest families. The police are strictly surveying the area 24/7 and will pull you over for going 5 over the SL.

Wrentham: the middle part of the tri-town located right between Norfolk and Plainville. Basically nothing is here except a few dead stores and maybe a few farm houses, like most of the tri-town. It also has 2 large lakes towards the center of town.

Plainville: the ghetto part of the tri-town located in the southern most part, bordering Rhode Island. This is where you’ll find your lower middle-class people and your druggies who overdose on heroine in the sketchy downtown area.

The tri-town is your typical boring New England suburb despite being centrally located being Boston and Providence. According to most teens in the area, the only things to do in the tri-town is drink, smoke and fuck. The kids here would dress like scrubs 24/7 if they could (sweatshirts/sweatpants) but 90% of the people are Catholic so they are forced by their elderly to dress nice and go to Church.

The whole tri-town was inhabitated by Native Americans before they were kicked out by English colonist in the 1600s.

Hey, don’t you wish you lived in the tri-town so you could get fucked up every night and run naked through the farm land.

by CIV2000 December 16, 2017

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Derky Town

Low Income, poverty stricken Neighborhood in Albion, Nebraska across from the dirt road, down in the river bottom.

"Don't go to Derky town after Dark"
"We played football with the rough kids from Derky town in the park"
"Make sure you are always with someone when you go through Derky town"
"Please don't go on the other side of the dirt road"

by Cardinal402 December 12, 2014

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the king of town

A guy who can jump no more than an inch off the ground (thank Super Kingio Bros.) and likes butter. He looks like a lumpy marshmallow and tried to lose weight using Strong Bad's exercise tapes.

Dodododododo dodododododo dodododododo dodododododo... King of Town!... Hooray!!!

by Homsar October 27, 2003

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Up Towns

A pair of Air Force Ones by Nike.

Origin:New York

Yo those Up Towns are nice.

by Jonathan Morales December 29, 2005

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