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razorback issues

What a girl has when she has been disappointed by her sports team her whole life. Usually results in her only going for guys who give off multiple red flags.

“there were 3 red flags in the first week and she’s still dating him. can you say razorback issues?”

by ainsw0rld June 28, 2019

Government Issued Jetski

A bureaucratic prostitute. Most often visited whilst on vacation at your mother in-law’s house.

I’ve really got to get away from this woman and spend some time doing a bunch of paper work before coitus with this government issued jetski. Jay is gay.

by Voxicles May 23, 2023

Issue 15

When you're having a session and you Jizz in her armpit making it look like Spider-Man's web wings on the front cover of Amazing Fantasy #15

Hey bro, I served her with an issue 15 at the weekend.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man,
I can do anything a spider can,
Look out here comes the Spider-Man

by A little seaman January 26, 2024

danny issues

Like Daddy issues, but instead stems from being abandoned by or not getting enough love from a Danny.

girl: "... it was amazing. I'm glad he visited, even if it was for just two weeks. Hope he comes back soon..."
boyfriend: "Babe, you've got some major Danny issues."

by femalenorway February 26, 2018

danny issues

Like daddy issues, but instead coming from being abandoned by a Danny or not having enough Danny in your life.

Boyfriend: Whats wrong dear?
Girl: Nothing really... I just miss Danny so much. He came home for a few days and we had an amazing time, but now hes gone again and I dont know when ill next see him.
Boyfriend: Ugh youve got some serious Danny issues, i dont wanna hear any more about it.

by femalenorway January 17, 2018

grammar issue

when someone cant type correctly. usually its about people who dont speak english as first language

- "hi guys do you now where the soda is?"
- "major grammar issue"

by ngrokeeeee February 9, 2023

gameplay issues

Gameplay issues are problems caused by @dktapps because he is too lazy implementing proper gameplay or gameplay features.

Those gameplay issues are implemented features ~ @dktapps

by cakecakecakecakecakecake March 3, 2017