Source Code

Crossed the Line

To behave in a way that is morally unacceptable.

Alice: Did you hear what Charlie did yesterday?!
Bob: Damn! He really crossed the line this time.

by MalumLibrum958 September 20, 2023


When two people of a high caliber of bitchiness compete in a fierce battle to prove who is the ultimate bitch.

Holly and her roommate got into a major clash of cross-bitchination last night. They threw a chair.

by Paddy4530 October 8, 2013

Cross country

Cross country is for mental people who think running is fun to do so they made cross country a sport and that is why it exists.

I failed P.E so I can’t play cross country..,

by Yupthatisme September 30, 2019

Enamel Crossing

Enamel Crossing is when two people making out touch teeth.

Yeah, me and my girl were at the crib playing some Enamel Crossing

by EnamelCrosser December 4, 2019

Fingers Crossed


Jeez, He has his fingers crossed he must Be madly Obsessed with their lover

by Sidney Loo October 21, 2022

Ella cross

bit of a gangster tbh

wow look at Ella cross, she's so cool

by swagger' October 16, 2020

Cross Over

Cross Over ; is when a covert cop goes to far and can't come back. There denoted and deemed to be Common Criminals. An insult or reference to them is - "to fat, to coppish".

Let's say during a complicated covert opparation, the cop had to cross over knowing that there was no way back. He will not be able to be withdrawn from service, and therefore will be treated as a common criminal unless otherwise directed. With a name such as Ron Nicalson, who's now to fat and to coppish.

by Bryn Benn April 12, 2020