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a very funny person. life of the party. always fun to be around and always there for anyone at anytime. overly obsessed with boys that are bot worth her time but, hoe life or no life360.

Tawnee “Is izzy going?”
Person “Yes”
Tawnee “Then I will be there!”

by baddestgirleverrrr May 30, 2021


very caring, sweet, and amazing with an amazing personality. very cute too,

I love Izzy

by tank the bank November 28, 2022


Izzy is a down-to-earth girl, not a slut but enjoys getting it on, is smart, sporty, and downright beautiful. She will always be a good friend, won't hold grudges, and although she can be a bit cold sometimes, she is always there when you need her.

"Dude, have you met my girlfriend yet?"
"No, what's she called?"
"Izzy, she's beautiful"
"Lucky bastard"

by Pseudalfonso November 16, 2023


izzy is amazing. she is smart, funny, witty, and super insecure-- for some reason? because she is ABSOLUTELY GORGUD!!! she also has super cool hair and a nice voice and good music taste. izzy is a one of the bestest best friends you could have so TREASURE THEM. IZZYS ARE AMAZING AND SO IS THIS ONE IN PARTICULAR.

person 1: "i saw the most amazing girl the other day. she was wearing a hoodie and seemed super smart. i forgot her name though.."
person 2: "oh, i see. was her name izzy?"
person 1: "yeah! that's the one!"



She the most ugly skank ass bitch I ever seen she always talks about me on Twitter with her skank ass friend lily Like bitch

Izzy is a skank ass whore

by Kk sh j f try xg January 9, 2020


Izzy is complicated.

she can be nice and welcoming but also angry and defensive, she’s funny and pretty while completely bonkers which just makes her personality better. she’s always hanging out with her friends and doing something. She’s a great friend to have but don’t get on her bad side because she’ll scrunch her face and stare at you disappointingly.

Oh look it’s Izzy I wonder how she is, what is she doing ?

by Samzone74 March 31, 2021


A snobby girl who thinks shes the boss, Talks smack and then askes not to get beat up. One girl is her enemy, Jesenia. Izzy and jesenia used to be best friends until 2019. Thats when izzy started betraying her and talking about her. Thing is izzy doesnt know whats gonna happen next. Need more details about jesenia? Go search it up! if the sentence doesnt start with ¨An evil girl¨ Its not the right one

Girl 1: Have you heard that izzy has been talking about jesenia?

Boy: Jesenia is tough! If izzy keeps talking about her, jesenia is gonna beat her up!
Girl 2: Jesenia made a boy cry and bleed! Izzy could get something worse!!

by Psycopath101 November 18, 2019