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The shit that you get your face in when you put that shit in someone's.

It is sometimes called the law of boomerang.

Karmahadjenhadan: I am the mighty magician that makes everyone go to shit.
You: Yay
Katmahadjenhadan: *puts spell on you
You: Yay
*Trips on spike.
Someone: Karma!
Karmahamrunemanitrian: Maibeh da hanz Zanvaay Syndrome?
Someone: Ewww. You are shreaky heck!

by Borislav February 15, 2017


Is a bitch. What goes around comes around.

Chaz leaves his family out of all important happenings in his life, and karma, being the bitch she is, came around when everyone left Chaz out of all future family happenings.

by Karmaisab July 9, 2018



karma is karma

by anna-456 November 21, 2021


the best Jojo siwa song

I Listen to karma last night

by lynnloud May 2, 2024


(Name definition)

They secretly don't have their shit together, but man, they can act it. They laugh at a ton of things, and are pretty social for someone who kinda hates people. They live their life in short phases, and are both salty and sweet, it depends on how much sleep they got. Their chaos is immaculate and they enjoy saying fancy words at inappropriate times. Heights are their thing, and winter is not. True to their name, they are that person that will read the argument it the group chat with a bag of popcorn next to them, and will not hesitate to hit someone who really deserves it. Drama is their life source as long as it doesn't affect them. As unstable as they may be, Karma is pretty consistent, and should probably be kept at close quarters for both of your own safety.

I think Karma is a pretty wild guy.

by cyberbitez April 2, 2022


karma is a bad bitch and all the boys like her. She loves food, especially sushi! she loves sport but doesn't specifically have a sport that she does. she isnt aware boys like her and think they hate her. she is kinda dumb in a way but kinda smart. a karma usually likes boys that start with the letter 'J, O, T, G, A, M,' and she can ol=only pull guys younger than her maybe sometimes guys her age.

"karma is hot but ugly idk how to explain it, but mostly hot and shes ugly in a hot way"
**karma winks at them**
" okay yah shes hot"

by your_mom1609274 November 30, 2021


Karma is getting fucked after talking shit when you were sure that you were going to be right and everyone else was going to be wrong.

One such example of karma might be buying puts on Friday, and talking shit the whole weekend. Then waking up on Monday and having flashbacks to owning GE calls.

by ehehhehehehehehhehehe November 3, 2020