Someone who has the same phone number you have except for the for the area code. (416) 123-4567 and (547) 123-4567
I met this person last night and when she gave me her phone number it was the same as mine except for the city area code. We are like number twins or something!
Number - So the individual can remember who he is, as he is a schizoid after all.
42 - His IQ and his spectrum mentally. 0 - 10 was not sufficient, but 42. Literally off the fucking chart.
"Number 42 is retarded. He thinks the more people he bans, he'll get more. In reality, he's killing his server off. Just like his own life."
When Mr Q writes number 9
In reversal
Call it as a name
Number P !!!
That's a piss and a shit and a wank in a tree
I gotta go, Take a Number Three
That's a piss and a shit and a wank in a tree
your identity to the school for the rest of your life
school: you're 99*** for the rest of your life now
those are the first numbers to my lunch number so therefor they identify me forever now
The number, in a sequence going in numerical order, that comes after the number 7. However, this number also comes before the number 9.
In special cases, the number 8 can be seen in the number 18, 80, 88, 100,548 and the infinity symbol.
Number 8 occurrences: 8, 18, 88, and also 465,624,572,456,134,524,563,461,346,236,352,468 <--number 8