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V. Throwing up the next morning after a long night of drinking.

"I have a feeling if anything goes in this body other than a sip of water ever 30 minutes I might have a spit-fit."

by Creator o' spit-fit phrase July 17, 2008


When you sit on the toilet seat to take a shit and you fart and the shit goes flying.

My carl took a Shit-Spit in Cancun.

by silentshotghost June 21, 2018

shit spit

A potentially severe event which takes place during the act of dropping a deuce. When taking a shit of monumental proportions, your mammoth shit may impact the water of your toilet with such a tremendous force that it causes a geyser of cold shit water to erupt and hit your anus. Is highly unsanitary if no one flushed before you. Side effects of the shit spit include but are not limited to: briskly awake feeling, disturbance, loud slpashing noises, and a sense of needing to wipe an extra time.

Person A: Gimme just a sec...
*loud splash noise*
Person A: Oh fuck.
Person B: What's wrong mah man? You almost done in there?
Person A: The water stabbed me in the ol' poop chute!
Person B: You, my nasty sir, have just experienced a shit spit.
Person A: Man, fuck this...

by alchemist March 16, 2014

Sleep spit

The feeling of disgust in your mouth after sleep- especially after naps

"Eww! Zach I just woke up from my nap and my mouth is full of sleep spit!"

by KitKatKoolio April 12, 2015

Frog Spit

Ginger Ale mixed with lime juice. A drink that originated in Skokie Illinois.

"Hey dude, i'm thirsty, pass me some of that frog spit."

"Yo, i'm gonna mix me up some frog spit."

by CBR2010 April 9, 2010

Quit and spit

The act of quitting your job so you can hit on a former coworker who has reservations about dating coworkers

Coworker 1: Where's Brian? I haven't seen him in a few days.
Coworker 2: He quit so he could hit on Sarah.

Cowroker 1: Why did he have to quit?

Coworker 2: Sarah said she won't date coworkers so Brian had to Quit and spit.

by KrustyWeiner420 August 13, 2017

Spit and Shine

The act of spitting into both palms of your hands, grabbing your partner's genitals (male/female), and jerking/rubbing them in a furious yet delightful pattern. Can often be associated with heavy gagging.

Male 1: Hey man, how was it last night with your girl, did you score?
Male 2: Not much, man, she gave me a wicked spit and shine though!
Male 1: Spit and Shine, whats that?
Male 2: *spits*, *spits*, *proceeds to make disgusting and repulsive deepthroating sounds*

by Cypress Hillbilly April 29, 2013