Source Code

Peace Bridge

When two lesbains are 69'ing and two men are having anal sex with them, thus looking like a bridge connecting them.

Shaquala: Hey, Donel me and three a my friends last night were doin the peace bridge.
Donel: ???
Shaquala: I was eatin her as i was takin it in the ass as she was eatin me takin it in the ass.

by Chocolate Anal Lovin69 October 23, 2011

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peace wheel

another name for a disc. Used by laid-back folk.

Dude, lets go toss that peace wheel.

by Clay P. August 4, 2006

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World Peace

Verb. to give someone an elbow to the face/head area with a large enough force to cause a concussion..may or may not be deliberate contact

Noun. a term for giving a concussion

Doctor: What happened sonny?

Kid: I got "world peace(d)" in the head while playing basketball...

Doctor: Looks like a concussion...

I'm gonna give that dude some world peace today..

by socali101 May 9, 2012

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Dinner Peace

Dinner Peace is the culinary peace one feels or achieves once they have satified their hunger after smoking weed.

Man I had the munchies so bad, but then I had a double cheeseburger and achieved dinner peace.

by Mars [Bar] April 10, 2011

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Peace Tea

An underrated drink that comes in a variety of flavors. If you do drink (or used too) you’re probably bisexual, listen to too much cavetown/Clairo, or you are trying to get over a caffeine addiction.

Person1: β€œHey, is that a peace tea?”
Person2: β€œ oh yea! it is. You should really try it dude, this one is Snow berry flavored. You want a can?”

by cezwiz042 November 5, 2020

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What some cops call themselves to sound more professional, fancier, different, or somehow more important.
-Or because they're ashamed to be policeman.

Also used by those officers who do not want to thought of or referred to as Policemen or Cops.

"When a cop calls himself a Peace-Officer, it's like a garbage-man calling himself a Sanitation-Worker, or a clerk calling herself a Sales-Associate."

"Being a Policeman is an honorable-profession. Nothing is more vital to Public-Safety than the humble street-cop; Be proud of who you are, and of what you do."

by goodcop8 November 24, 2007

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Peace Sign

a lit ciggarette that a person is smoking.

1. yo man before you throw that peace sign lemme hit it.
2. only used in the New Boston Michigan area.

by TDogg Nigg March 6, 2007

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