"Peep the notch" is the vaguer derivative of phrases like "peep the gram" or "peep twitter", in which you use to inform people to check out your most recent post on any of your social media accounts. This version of the phrase was popularized by Canadian body builder, @joeys.physique.
I have a peep-dee-leep in my poop-dee-loop. (Please see poop-dee-loop)
Dude make sure you watch the road when you drive, you don't wanna wreck and Peep yourself.
Man i cant believe what happened to Jimmy...he peeped himself.
very crazy but all have meaning. there is the smart one, dumb ones the one that it just a bundle of joy the two that are a couple then there is the very small and flexible one and there is a getaway driver.
person 1 :yo look, those murder club peeps are so cool, i wish i was as close as them
person 2: yo same bro
easy access through boxer hole
i looked right in his peep hole
Something you say to show off a really attractive female/male
Paul: Peep this cutie
Rachel: Thanks babe
1. A misfortunate event for the peeping tom, it's a term used to describe a person with voyeurism who creeps into a targets yard and hides in their bushes. This is someone whom the peeping tom has been stalking for months and has acquired a great deal of infatuation for in the process. When he pops his head up from the bushes and much to his shagrin, he finds his victim in the process of undressing and notices the window is open. From his vantage point, he gets a false sense of security based on the assertion that the curtains are completely obscuring him from view and in the heat of the moment, sticks his penis through the window. The peeping tom then experiences an elated, euphoric response and in his lustful ignorance, fails to notice the victim charging towards the window and slamming it on his penis.
"A peeping thrombosis sometimes occurs when spying on the girls at summer camp."