Source Code

I nEeD A qUeStIoN

ask somebody to giv you a question

ay Joe! I nEeD A qUeStIoN
Ya what?
Can i PLz eat your poo?
sure it sure is tasty

by Earth Worm Sally December 9, 2018

Kenneth question

1. A question with no significance.
2. A question with an obvious answer.

“Bro so yesterday night-“
“Wait when?”
“Bro you ask them kenneth questions

by steph_mcflurry December 6, 2022




by SuelTameOresuTeMato February 25, 2025

The Cremation Question

A question made by Tumblr user @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses: "If you were cremated and had your ashes turned into a vinyl record that could play only one song, what song would it play?" This question is often asked to celebrities on Tumblr.

John: Did you hear that your favorite band is doing a Q&A on Tumblr?
Sarah: Yeah! I think I'll ask them The Cremation Question.

by thatdudenoah June 25, 2020

The Cremation Question

The Cremation Question is a question that famous Tumblr user biggest-gaudiest-patronuses asked several celebrities, with reactions varying from confused to disturbed.

guy1: Hey dude! if your ashes were turned into a vinyl, what song would it play?
guy2: dude, shut up about The Cremation Question!

by Ultimate-Rowlet June 25, 2020

Loaded questions

Again, asking loaded, re or de-contextualized questions does not exemplify an inability to defend a position I hold.

Hym "Loaded questions, out of context, from people who don't actually want an answer isn't the same as you asking me a question in the context of this things here. You're a piece of shit. Die faster. Die HARDER. Die and then be resuscitated... And then die a second time... Except even harder than the first time."

by Hym Iam March 1, 2024

trial and error questions

The most annoying, stupid, evil, most cruel math questions created by a demon in hell to make you need to guess and guess and guess again and takes up all of your time when you could solve other math problems.

Those polynomial trial and error questions are soooo wickedly vile and they need to cease existing.

by CrazyB0Z0 May 15, 2019