A game published by Stellarstone that some people say is the worst game ever. It was published in 2003. It's a racing game, that is quite different from other games. For example, you can drive out of bounds, to the point that you are effectively in purgatory, not likely to find your way back to the track. You can also go through buildings, without a scratch on your car or the building. One thing that is mentioned in reviews, if you go in reverse, you can go much faster than you can forward. In fact, there is no cap to how fast you can go in reverse. If you can hold on to the reverse button long enough, you actually will be able to go so fast, you will go faster than light speed. However, if you go fast enough, a glitch will put you everywhere at once, which counts as a win. Oh, by the way, it's impossible to lose. The other truck won't move, even if you run into it at 12.2 undecillion mph, you will go straight through it, and it still refuses to move. There is a patch to the game, that makes the other truck move (very slowly), but it's not much better of a situation, because it will stop just before the finish line. The game does not have any kind of code for if the player loses the race, which will crash the game, if the other truck does somehow win. One of the notable parts of this game is that when you win, a trophy appears in the center of your screen, saying "You're Winner". However, most copies will say "You Win", which makes more sense.
Rumor has it that a punishment done at Stellerstone is to lock someone in a room for an hour, and force them to play Big Rigs during that time.
big rig is a 9 foot tall boi with a inch dick.
guy 1: yo big rig so tall
big rig's ex: not so big down under though.
guy 2: dammmm he got a smaller dick than a new born baby
Funkion one, Hennessey, void, elements, you name it! A Rig Jockey knows the perfect stack structure and calibrating for any locations. A Rig Jockey also keeps up on all the latest equipment. If you see a RJ in the sound booth you know you’re getting an audiophile experience.
Kyro is such a rig jockey, he spent 3 hours doing sound check today and he keeps referring to the subs as a she…
Typically a woman or Female prostitute who hangs around truck stops to have sex with the Truck drivers
Steer clear or be vigilant at this stop. Lots of Rig Riders.
I’m talking to the UD Jews
Stop rigging the votes you asshole
The act of ejaculating into ones anus, shitting it out, and eating the shit.
Things got wild when we did the Texan Oil Rig last night
a low, regulated-voltage DC power supply device whose terminals are bare; the purpose of use is to heat the coils of THC oil cartridges. 500 milliamperes (typical old USB port), 1 ampere (iPhone brick), and 2 amperes (iPad brick) are common current supplies. the higher the maximum current, the lower the time needed for a big hit and the higher the chance of overheat--at 2 amperes and 5 volts, one would be putting 10 watts of energy into the cart.
"yeah, so the block i have my wire rig configured with can supply two amps
it gets me RIPPED lol"