A show about vampires that are french and gay
The case study of vanitas has really hot characters
struggling to study
study issues
created by a beloved high iq friend who is cramming and is suffering from a case called 'zan2et el kelab' along with all her classmates. this has led to study issues.
i have study issues
When your implying fucking or loving someone
John :wanna study or love Bella:of course I’m on my way;)
The best High School ever where the omega god Sebby and the beautiful man baby Edison run Ms Chang’s Chinese class because we’re such scholars 🌚
girl #1: “hey do u go to Queens High School for Language Studies?”
girl #2: “yea that’s where sebby goes to the fine brown hair curly headed boy 😍😍😍😍😍 ”
girl #1: “OMG FR??? i just might have to transfer there since he’s there 😩😩😩”
girl #2: “nah back off Yeo he’s mine respectfully”