An ultimate sigma maths teacher who has infinite rizz. His forearms are beautifully defined, his jawline perfectly made, he has the true body of a sigma. The founder of "Mr Kitchen's Christmas Quiz". He is an ultimately respected being, superior to all of mankind.
That man is just as sigma as Mr Kitchen
When seven homeless butch lesbians, have a Gangbang in the back of a Ford Ranchero.
OMG! Did you smell that Ohio Soup Kitchen!!!
Someone who is unable to reach the top shelf due to being of short disposition. Therefore having to climb onto the countertop like the cretin they are.
Abi, stop being a kitchen climbing cretin
The technique Crunchyroll gave Sukuna to rock "Makora".
Sukuna: Domain Expansion: Malevolent Kitchen
Crunchyroll Subscriber: WHAT?! Let. HIM. COOK!
to move back in with your parents as an adult
Craig hit the kitchen floor after he got out of jail, but he's trying to get back on his feet.
A women who has not learned to use a kitchen aka a useless women.
Sam has no idea how to cook, she is f-ing kitchen illiterate!