An act of lying on any surface while watching a movie with the objective of dozing of at the same time. A term used by youth that is similar to binge but with a clear conscience that you'll doze off in the end
My boyfriend told me he's feeling lazy today, so he's taking a movie nap
A movie with blank figures with blood/joke violence
Hey dude have seen the new asdf movie
A movie that is broken up into multiple watching sessions
My brother kept falling asleep so we had to make it into a chapter movie
A movie girl is a pretty or beautiful female that you can find on the internet or movies but never in real life.
KickAss 2: Oh hey you seen kickass 2?
Yeah that Main actress was super hot
yeah but she is such a Movie Girl
*Cries on pillow*
American Pie
The act of getting a handjob while watching a movie.
Amber gave that manager a movie tug during titanic.
A Lizard badass fighting for so damn water
The Rango Movie is so good, that lizard fucked an armadillo!
Movie which Sony made for free Ebola .
If you wanna die,you are free to suicide while the you watch the film. (disclaimer:30 f#@'ing min of dancing emoji and one of them wants to die)
John: Wanna hear a joke?
Mike: OK
John: Emoji movie