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Skin cuffs

When your pants ride above your socks and a band of skin is shown. Best when sitting in a business meeting.

John had skin cuffs today during the budget meeting. He needs longer pants.

by William Greenbriar March 29, 2014

skinning the chicken

the trauma to ones penis when masterbating by which the skin comes dissconnected from the mean.

Ahhh! i beat my dick so hard i started skinning the chicken

by MerderousWaffle May 22, 2019

skin satellite

a satellite used by the US government to keep track of african americans

Person 1: How did they know he was in Utah?
Person 2: They used the skin satellite.

by metro boomin want some more June 6, 2021

Skin dookie

Noun. Penis

Look at the skin dookie on that guy!

No one has ever seen a pretty skin dookie.

by Lilmama2hwh January 8, 2017

The Skin Grab

When a sexual partner grabs a mans testicle pouch, stretches it onto a table or hard surface as to make the testicles more clearly visible. The partner would then take a knife or sharp object and apply it to the testicles, often resulting in the splitting of the affected testicle.

*note* Affected participant will often lose or have their reproductive abilities impaired. Severe blood loss is also a side affect to be mentioned.

Often Confused with: The Pinky Blinky

Friend 1: Dude I heard you were in the hospital last night! What happened?

Friend 2: Oh my god dude, I did The Skin Grab with her. I don't think I can have a child anymore but oh my god was it worth it.

by The Pinky Blinky Man May 22, 2020

Flat skin

When you have no penis just flat skin and two raisin bollocks.

Joshua Booth has flat skin.

by Jon Belvoir April 18, 2018

skinning that mule

Beating the crap outta your fuckin meat

“Ayo!!! Reed got caught skinning that mule”
Ayyy!! Richard quit skinning that mule”

by RedSpade17 May 5, 2022