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Dick Wagon

A Dick Wagon is that one person we all know who doesn’t consciencely do anything without first saying to themselves β€œWill I look like a dick if I do this?” If the answer is yes then they will do it 100% of the time.

My day was going really great until that Dick Wagon called me just to be a pain in the ass and throw a monkey wrench in my plans.

by Kareem Oliver D'Belli September 27, 2017

swagin wagon

The official bandwagon of swagger. A person or group is on the swag wagon when they have had a recent run of success and are increasingly confident because of it.
(840928)Stephens definition: an abundance of wagons, a swag filled with swags

George, lets get on the swagin wagon

by Stephen P M March 11, 2016

wagon burner

A word for those who want to die fast in school.

Fuck man i just called that Indian a wagon burner I better call the police fast.

by Stuart Man November 13, 2005

86πŸ‘ 150πŸ‘Ž

power wagon

the act of having anal sex so hard the reciever blows fecal matter out there butt hole

last night todd messaged me that he gave a power wagon to his girl friend and it sprayed all over him

by adler619 August 18, 2011

7πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

paddy wagon

means "P. D. Wagon"

modern: Van or truck used for transporting prisoners.

Origins of the phrase are not sinister. The origin is from the era of horse drawn box enclosed wagons employed by the Police Department, especially of New York City. These wagons had the sole identification painted on the sides, in large letters the initials P.D. When spoken the term "P.D. Wagon" easily becomes "paddy wagon".

While the word "paddy" may be in modern use in derogatory ways, the development of those meanings are separate and unrelated to the "P. D. Wagon".

These derogatory uses however, have led to fabricated, invented and much more complicated explanations of the phrase "paddy wagon" and while a word or phrase may develop new meanings over time, and thus become valid of themselves, that does not change the true and simple origin as a slurring of the phrase "P.D. Wagon"

At a mass demonstration, spoken by an officer of the law "We've sent for the paddy wagons people. Disperse or stay and be arrested."

by Damariscove September 11, 2011

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Bloat Wagon

The mobile version of a Bloat Factory.

Wow that factory has moved from the couch.

by Karrde March 22, 2004

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

dragon wagon

a tow truck cause it drags the car behind him

watch out in the right lane theres a dragon wagon hooking up a car

by cujo249 February 3, 2011

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