Source Code

Got Jokes

When someone asks you to do something totally absurd to the point were you think they are joking.

"Timmy's got jokes if he thinks I'm going to sell him my $3000 rims for $500 bucks!"

by MP$40 February 22, 2006

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got me got me

like you really got me

Oh, you GOT ME got me

by gingminge July 13, 2021

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Done got git got

When you get got

Ashley was doing blow in the shitter, cops saw her and she done got git got

by Nibblytiddy April 4, 2021

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Got Cancelled

When an amazing and productive member of society suddenly is assulted by the shitstorm of angry, gay, They/them, 'BLM', white girl, 16 year old furries.

(These are the same people who think its okay to let little children gender swap despite the long-term serious health defects. Including, Low Spem Count, Infertility, High Risk of Cancer, Dangerously Low Hormones, etc.)

Rick: Looks like those shitbags are attempting to cancel Markiplier who raised $500,000 for the homeless in under 24 hours in 2019.
Morty: Oh man! We really need to update our Twitter Cleanser 1000!! I DON'T THINK ITS WORKING RICK!!!
Rick: DAMN IT MORTY HE'S TRENDING!!! Its too late... He got cancelled---

by I Spit a Fat Loogie in Her Ass August 11, 2022

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Got dipped

Getting dipped means getting the D.

"Girl, I got dipped so good last night."
"Bro. I the got a dip in last night!"

by Theoriginalmik March 18, 2017

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got something

referring to a sexually transmitted disease.To be the carrier of any disease transmitted through sexual acts

i think she got something cause she been with so many dudes without using protection

by ToTo SuCio June 14, 2007

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Got 'eem

To trick someone in a humarous way.

Billy roasted Jacob and said " Got 'eem".

by bingbongbong October 31, 2019

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