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type kill bitch

someone who always whines and complains about getting type killed. Here are some things a type kill bitch and people avoiding type kill bitch status should always keep in mind while gaming:

1. Typing in a battlefield is a stupid idea because you WILL MOST LIKELY get shot.

2. Use a freaking headset if you can't handle keyboard-communications. If you cant afford a headset, pull out your freaking phone and chat live with your allies.

3. But if you absolutely positivley have to type during a battle, be sure to completely hide yourself instead of standing out in the open where you'll die.

Player 1: **HEADSHOT**
Player 2: "...."
Player 2: "Hey faggot I was busy chatting with my gf"
Player 1: "too bad."
Player 2: "Stupid gay little noob I was typing something"
Player 1: "Quit being such a type kill bitch and respawn already."

by JT the man May 14, 2008

27πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Water-type Pokemon

A Pokemon who has an advantage over Fire, Ground,and Rock-type Pokemon while being weak against Grass and Electric-type Pokemon.


by Shawn B. October 23, 2003

38πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

type 2 Josh

type 2. identifiable by a small but tubby body, maybe a mustache, seems not to care about how he dresses. type 2 is usually outgoing and positive. brightens the world around him. laughs often. as a result of bullying most type 2's can ignore physical and emotional pain. except heartbrake, which will cause extreme depression. type 2 falls in love early and never falters. speaks comfortably with all girls, but speaks best with the one he loves. you can tell if a type 2 is in love with you by a quick smile, darting glances, eagerness to talk to you and/or constantly asking about you and your life. is often bullied due to his kindness and selflessness. will do anything for the girl he loves, even if its illegal. type 2 is often unsure how to handle love, if you think a type 2 is in love with you confront him, he will admit it. be careful not to break his heart. remember that he would do anything for you, and expects nothing in return. if you cannot love him back just tell him. he will understand, he will want your happiness, but he may not move on. if you decide to date a type 2 remember that he may not be very confident in himself. give him clear instructions. he will eventually learn and become a great boyfriend.

you will love your type 2 josh

by weallloveali November 8, 2013

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Type any word...

The thing you search up when you’re bored on Urban Dictionary. Only happens during extreme cases of boredom.

Guy 1: Dude, last night I was so bored I searched β€œType any word...” into Urban Dictionary
Guy 2: That sucks, bro

by nlolhere March 31, 2020

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Madden Type Shit

A good play in a sport or something good happens while playing in a sport

Him: Did you just see that goal he just scored?
Her: yeah that’s some madden type shit🀧

by ava h October 23, 2019

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Type 1 proshipper

This is the most common type a of proshipper.

This proshipper thinks that problematic ships such as abuse, incest, and/or pedophilia are ok to ship as long as it is completely fictional and tagged.

This type of proshipper will most likely not bring politics unrelated topics such as racism or queerphobia into the conversation.

Person 1: Proshippers fucking bring random shit into their arguement to make them sound ok for shipping kids

Type 1 proshipper: Not all do that, which is why shit like this should be separated

by literally dies November 24, 2021

20πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Sopranos type wogs

People from Adelaide of meditteranian or middle eastern backgrounds who are more anglicized than their other state counterparts as well as listening to rnb and dance also have a taste for metallica or guns n roses though only listen to it at home. Are obsessed with food and coffee,purposly speak english around eachother,support an AFL team and drink coopers pale ale, are known to be suspicious of african-australians.

"those guys at the bar are sopranos type wogs"

by johnnyy20 January 5, 2008

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž