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Dick Waffle

Fellatio, performed after butter and syrup are applied to the johnson.

Man, Lucy had such a dry mouth that I had to dress it up like a dick waffle.

by Ronnie Emersen August 2, 2007

56πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

road waffle

a form of extremely squished, and flattened into the road, roadkill. generally, when the tire tracks show up on the remains

steve: what about bob?
lauren: well, im a lil worried that eventually he will be road waffle.
steve: lol... road waffle
steve: that's a funny term
lauren: he sits in the middle of the road
lauren: (haha well, u kno- the tire tracks- leave a waffley-print)

by steve carroll; lauren paetznick March 23, 2005

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

waffle butt

Noun. The condition of having criss-cross indentions on your rear & legs from sitting on a yard chair in shorts.

We've been sitting out here so long, I've got waffle butt.

by Sarepta May 2, 2006

48πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Waffle Stomp

An act that usually occurs at the United States Naval Academy, as the dorm rooms do not have toilets. Instead of β€œchopping” down the hall and running the risk of encountering a training sergeant, first-year students (plebes) will defecate in the shower and attempt to stomp their excrement down the waffle-shaped drain. Unfortunately, the putrid smell does not go away easily.

β€œYou Fourth-class Mids better not be waffle stomping in these rooms!”

by Delta_Whiskey January 19, 2019

18πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

muddy waffle

The act of defecating on a partner's chest, then slapping the pile with a tennis racket to give the appearance of a waffle made of mud.

"So, Joe how was your weekend?"

"Oh, it was awesome, I paid a hooker to leave a wicked muddy waffle on my chest!"

by lovedumpling666 November 19, 2013

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Waffles and Pancakes

An excuse most commonly used when, another asks β€œwhat does WAP mean”

Guy 1: Hey bro what does WAP mean?

Guy 2: Uhhh, waffles and pancakes...

by Pantshitter5 October 25, 2020

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

stomp waffle

When you shit yourself in the shower, and you see pushing it down the drain with your foot as the only option.

Mom : Billy why is the shower filling up with brown liquid again

Billy : sorry mom I made another stomp waffle ;)

by Birdperson69 November 24, 2016

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