A person that is part of a school, be it student, faculty or administration, who is the subject of an anonymous tip. Most school districts have an anonymous tip line that can be used to report incidents, usually illegal. Oftentimes however, the tip line is misused to report false or irrelevant info.
Can also be a synonym for "snitched on"
Brad: Dude where's Kim been?
Matt: Oh you didn't hear? She got quick tipped for bringing a vape to school
Giving her the little one-two combo.
"Yo you gave her some Quick 1-2 action, right?"-Dude 1
"Damn right, she learned today"-Dude 2
A type of sex act involving a car battery, jumper cables, copious amounts of lubricant and a go-getter attitude. The act involves using the car battery as a means of electro-erotic stimulation, with a non flammable lubricant also being a requirement so that individuals partaking do not get lit on fire.
That guy I went home with last night turned out to be loads of fun once he gave me a good ol' Mechanic's Quick Fix.
When you unexpectedly fall off the bed while having sex and land on your back and pop back up and act like everything is fine.
"What was that loud noise last night, Becky?
Darrin was over and that was a hot drop quick save!"
One of the most valuable people living. He’s handsome and knows it, but doesn’t overdue it. He’s the type of person that you’ll find yourself calling him Daddy if in a relationship with him. Nobody gives af less about what people think of them more than B-Quick, he’s charming, loyal and full of good energy, but if you cross him, you’ll get to see the other side of hell. His name is known all over, and it’s to always be respected. He stays Onpoint at all times, he’s a entrepreneur. He’s different than most, and he’s above average. Average doesn’t suit him, he strives for more. He’s giving but won’t be taken advantage of, he peeps bad energy a mile away, and believes that you get back what you put out. He is a king.
Yo is that B-Quick over there! I have to tell him how much I love him and what he does.
Someone who is quick at processing a lot of nonsense.
That quick-tarded dude mistakingly thinks he's the standard of intelligence, but in reality, he's not only unaware, but he is not.
A guy who usually plays magic, fuck bad bitches and drinks gin, he's also very talanted in not giving a fuck and riding the bike. Oh, and he's also the Meme Archivist and the Soundplug
Heeeey, do you have that meme that i was talking you about ?
-nah, sorry man, but i'm sure Quick Vargas Will have it
Are we going out or what ?!
-bro, i'm pretty tired, i think i'll pass for tonight
Aaaaaw maaan, you're the worst, now what i'm gonna do?!
-brroooo Just chill, you can call Quick Vargas of course, he Will probably be partying all night
Yo bro can I play a Song ?
-no man, you're music taste Is wack
But bro, Quick Vargas sent me this song and i was wonderin...
-What?! Quick Vargas, the Soundplug himself ?
Heey, somebody bring an aux to ma boi over here