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Galway New York

Galway New York is a small rural town in northern New York. Sparsely populated with people but densely populated with cows. Local past times include: heavy drinking, watching nascar, adding additions to trailer homes built from road signs, racism, cow tipping, eating dirt, being republican, hating any,every and all democratic president, riding tractors to school and the occasional experimental procreation with farm animals.

Galway is best known for spotty cell service and possessing a Gas Station used only by the locals and those who run out of gas while traversing the no mans land between Saratoga and Amsterdam. The hopping downtown possesses a single streetlight, a small grocery store which employs the highschool dropouts, a large feed store for the abundant cow population and a volunteer fire department that employs the current services of the future dropouts.

Its highschool is a Frankenstein monster of buildings from different eras with one dating all the way back to when it was a one room schoolhouse, twenty years ago.

I drove through Galway New York yesterday for the first and last time.

by gimangi27 January 29, 2011

39๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jew York City

A place where Jews live; It is similiar to New York City.

Jew: "Hey, n00blolz1, what is New York City like?"
n00blolz1: "It's bad, lol.... can I haz Jew York City?"
Jew: "Yes."

by Alex_will_kill_joo_all January 14, 2010

71๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jew York Mutt

An extremely sexually promiscuous female from New York of mixed race decent. Generally these girls will rape you of your money, time, and soul only to cheat on you.

Johnny McWarguy: So that girl I was dating... she told me she has this new boyfriend...
Max: Dude, what the fuck? That Puerto Rican, Korean, Polish, Jewish girl from New York? What a fucking bitch.
Johnny McWarguy: I know... can't say it wasn't coming... Goddamned Jew York Mutt.

by Johnny McWarguy April 30, 2008

53๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

new york islanders

Dp will never compete with king henrik. Their gm is the reason they suck. What kind of idiot trades Spezza and Chara for Yashin


The New York Islanders will get crushed by the Rangers on Tuesday April 3rd

by ISLES SUK April 1, 2007

210๐Ÿ‘ 127๐Ÿ‘Ž

new york jewish

The specific culture of a New York Jew is different from a regular New Yorker or a regular Jew. THey even have their own special accent, a raspy annoying Jewish/NYC accent.

Old Man: lives on bagels with lox and cream cheese. Works in the Diamond District.

Old Woman: Has florescent orange or some other unatural colored hair, and long clawlike red nails. Owns a lot of mink.

girl: spent $1000 chemically straightening her frizzy hair! Favors brands such as D&G and Juicy Couture.

These people can be found most prolifically in Brooklyn, the Diamond District in New York, and New Jersey.

Shoshannah is so New York Jewish she will slap you with a dill pickle if you piss her off.

by its ok im jewish too May 1, 2007

58๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

new york yankees

probably the most hated baseball team.

New york Yankees deserve all the hate. A-Rod sucks anus.

by Adrian May 26, 2006

921๐Ÿ‘ 613๐Ÿ‘Ž

New York Yankees

1. The reason baseball is no fun anymore.
2. The evil empire.
3. A team that posers pretend to have liked since the birth canal, when in fact they only started liking them after they won the Series a few years ago.

Bob: I like the Yankees.
Jim: I will give you ten seconds to get a running start, after which I will hunt you down and murder you.

by Capheine December 10, 2003

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