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Tunison Effect

A more extreme version of the Streisand Effect, the Tunison Effect occurs when someone is so self unaware as to not realize their constant whining about a very ignorable problem only calls further attention to the problem.

Mike’s incessant whining about something that happened a decade ago and everyone else has forgotten about only creates a bigger Tunison Effect.

by AJDAULERIO October 30, 2022

noob effect

aka dunning-kruger effect
a type of cognitive bias where people with little expertise or skill assume they have superior expertise or skill. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they lack the knowledge to know that their knowledge isn't sufficient.

well yeah, he thinks hes the best at everything because of the noob effect.

by puristyle June 6, 2024

Futurama effect

The effect caused by an artificial and arbitrarily imposed wait on an action you're waiting for a human to process even though it could and should be completely and totally fucking automated in 2021. The human in question at the end of the waiting period will literally pick up a clipboard or look at some excel sheet and click process on some 90s looking terminal program to make whatever you're waiting for happen and ultimately relieve you of the agony. Named after the Futurama storyline of them unfreezing people after x amount of years have passed from their death.

- Hey Marge, that international wire transfer you were waiting for has finally came through after 20 days, must have been a mess to process for them.
- Nah, I think we're just unknowing victims of the futurama effect.

by nordurljosahvida December 23, 2021

braces effect

When someone gets braces and becomes more confident and fun and or more attractive.

Ex: : dude that girl is so cool , she was so lame last year
: yeah I know after she got braces she’s been totally different: total Braces Effect

by XxMiddleSchoolersAreWierdxX March 20, 2024

The 2-D Effect

When someone has a beautiful singing voice but an ugly talking voice

Man 2-D from Gorillaz has such a beautiful singing voice but a very ugly talking voice

You mean he has the 2-D effect?

by GorillazGoBrrrrrrrrr June 24, 2024

Danish teambuilder effect

When a Danish person becomes a teambuilder, they realise that Icelandic people are the best option for a partner and before long, they give up on other nationalities. What follows is a trip to Iceland often followed by a couple months of living in Iceland. Unfortunately the Icelandic partner ultimately wants to move to Aarhus, for all Icelandic people have a deep seated loathing for their own country and wish to leave

Nikolaj fell for the Danish teambuilder effect

by Guttilmur April 9, 2024

Soren Effect

The soren effect is a term used to describe someone with little importance using something as high value to get attention & or make friends.

"Ew he's using money to befriend is this must be the soren effect"

by masamunexchronic December 28, 2023