a small, tamable animal that anhiliates mice and other things like birds
some have a unique talent of vibing
some are born with just an intent of bloodshed
and some are just neutral
a fucking god/goddess that need to be loved.
The 6th natural state of matter. It is both a liquid and a solid at all times, but can never be punctured as if it is one.
Teacher: "The 5 natural stages of matter are-"
Student: "6 stages"
Teacher: "Wh-"
Student: "Cat."
Teacher: "..."
A Cute Little Fuckerโข that will claw your eyes out for no reason, but you live it anyways
Person1: Hey, I didn't know you owned a cat.
Person2: I don't, It owns me.
Person1: Can I pet it?
Person1 got scratched because fuck you