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The Maverick Effect

When someone dislikes a particular group or organization but idolizes someone within it.

The Church of Scientology is a crock of shit! Oh, before I forget... did you see Top Gun: Maverick? Such an awesome movie, I love Tom Cruise!

Uh, Cruise is the poster boy of Scientology, you have a serious case of The Maverick Effect!

by itsallfeta January 25, 2023

Coach Ashley Effect

The Coach Ashley Effect is when Coach Ashley says she's going to do something but doesn't fucking do it.

"Coach Ashley Said she was going to schedule me to work a midshift tomorrow but somehow it didn't fucking happen, that's the Coach Ashley Effect in action"

by ThePublicker February 13, 2025

after-burn effect

When you crack a good joke that causes someone to involuntarily chuckle for an extended time after.

I see that Emily is feeling that after-burn effect; she can't stop laughing!

by Grissdom October 4, 2015

bruh sound effect #2

This is what u watch when a real Bruh moment happens

Yo that's a real bruh sound effect #2 moment

by Tsohe November 30, 2018

Alexandria Effect

The Alexandria Effect, or Alexandrian Effect, is a form of Knowledge Destruction, when someone or something intentionally causes information to accidentally get lost, on purpose.

It originates from the burning down of the library of Alexandria, to disperse information and culture in a way to prevent people from being able to correlate and understand factual truth, or history.

You: Dude, Why did the media pretend like they knew nothing about Hillary's e-mails, after they were publicly leaked?
Me: It's just the Alexandria effect.

by pseudo_anima April 14, 2024

Jeremiah Effect

If something could go wrong it will around Jeremaih

Person 1: I just stepped in dogshit

Person 2: must be the Jeremiah effect

by SaladLover69 July 28, 2022

The Rugged Effect

The Rugged Effect is the phenomenon in which being around the Discord user "RuggedKilla" results in your gayness, horniness, and zestiness to be heavily amplified.

Dude, I think the Rugged Effect is really starting to get to you

by Juub111 March 25, 2024