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Western Alamance High school

Who actually considers this place a school.

Problems with it:
- Thots
- Rednecks
- Weirdos
- Dumbasses
- The majority of teachers here are pretty shit
- Exams that have nothing to do with what I learned

I sincerely hate this stupid fucking school.

Also this definition is blessed

Western Alamance High school is shit.

No one likes Western Alamance High school.

Who thought Western Alamance Highschool was a good idea.

by J3susChrist November 29, 2018

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shelby county high school

a school full of cousin fuckers and rednecks. trash at all sports and eat their moms bootys for breakfast. the school is infested with bugs and rodents. also infested with hoes and f boys.

person 1: β€œhey have you heard of shelby county high school”

person 2: β€œyea i heard the whole school smells like fish”

by starbabygirl November 21, 2019

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High school of American studies

Specilized high school in New York City, full of white history nerds that are scared of other specilized schools. Math is a joke, but history is on point.

Fuck man, I got into the high school of American studies instead of Stuyvesant.

Makes sense man your a fucking history nerd

by Debatenerd69 May 8, 2018

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Kennedy Catholic High School

Home of the Golden Eagles
Located in a small town of Pennsylvania
If you are from Africa and like basketball, then I'm sure you'll get recruited.

Kennedy Catholic High School recruits for basketball.

by WillBillMan December 27, 2017

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St Matthew High School

Catholic high school in the semi-poor part of Orleans. Known for shitty uniforms, being the high school of that music kid from a semi-popular band, and white bitches who say the n word. There’s also a kid who has a shit ton of Tik Tok followers. Not much aside from that and 7/8th graders slipping tongue in the stairwells and putting the garbage bin in the bathroom sink. holy fuck i hate this school

St Matthew High School is a shit hole and i can’t wait to graduate

by cursededits4u’s wife May 24, 2019

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Great mills high school

Great mills high school is on the bigger side of 3A schools in st.Marys county. That is run by no other then the oh MR.HEIBLE. Recently Their basketball, boys soccer, and baseball teams are the only sports that are above mediocre. Along with there sprinting events. Many refer to it as getto mills despite having the program, stem. The halls frequently smell like weed, boys with their pants half way down their legs block the, already narrow halls along with making things loud as FUCK. So people may be on to something calling it getto mills. For st.marys county, which isn’t so bad in comparison to real getto.

Person 1: dude your really smart you should get into stem
Person 2: No way my parents will let me go to great mills high school with the reputation

Person 1: great mills isn’t as bad as the rumors.

by HAZENuUT March 10, 2019

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Nan Hua High School

A pretty decent school academically. Most students attending Nan Hua High School don't study much but are naturally bright.

Used to be full of gangsters until Normal Stream was removed and it became a "High School" instead of a "Secondary School". There was a strong guai lan culture in the early years of the new compound at Clementi Ave 1, and the guys would play "next team" street soccer at the volleyball court before school, during recess and lunch breaks, and after school until 7pm everyday. The boys would often trash the football teams from nearby NUS High School and New Town Secondary School. Quite a few chio girls, but the stupid school attire forces them to braid their high into two plaits like some Cheena doll.

Public canings and police cases were common before 2010.

Due to it being a Chinese SAP school, there are few minorities, and most of the Chinese students go through their formative teenage years without friends of other races. Most students are effectively bilingual in English and Mandarin.

People in JC and Poly can easily recognise a Nan Hua alumni from their guai lan and soccer-obsessed culture, as well as their down-to-earth humorous nature.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), the students have become increasingly nerdy and less fun in recent years.

This fella sibei guai lan. Last time must be Nan Hua High School kia.

Wah this guy Chinese but play football macam mat rep. Confirm Nan Hua one.

by δ½ θ€ηˆΈ November 7, 2022

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