Source Code

The answer to life the universe and everything

42.... Yeah underwhelming isn't it

The answer to life the universe and everything is...
You're really not going to like it 42

by Arthur dent,,,,,, April 15, 2022

grizzly life

Life of the hairy, a line usually said by someone with a large, impressive beard

*shaved man*: man, now that I have shaved, I look like a teenager!
*bearded man*: not for me man. I'm all about that grizzly life

by ClassyGirlStatus January 5, 2014

My Life Me

A Canadian cartoon made in Adobe Flash about a teenage otaku named Birsch Small, who tries to fit in with her pears in high school. It's notable for using various manga iconography, like those weird x-shaped popping vein things, in facial expressions. It's also notable for at one point being lost media, until some dude ripped and uploaded all of the episodes from a DVD.

My little sister is really into this show called My Life Me, and finishing watching all the episodes.

by TheSexiestManInNorthAmerica December 10, 2023

My Life Me

A Pretty Bad Show About Some Bastards And Bitches Doing Weird Stuff, It Has Mostly An Ironic Fanbase

Birch Small Is From My Life Me! :)

by FenderIsCool2008 April 27, 2023

That Pedicab Life

Someone who hustles hard all around town.

I’m gonna be living that pedicab life with my new Food Truck business.

by That pedicab Life August 14, 2021

fighting for his life on the gc

When a boy does something embarrassing publicly, often to impress his girlfriend. Fighting for his life on the gc meaning he is being made fun of by the boys on his groups group chat, for the embarrassing action.

dude 1: did you see that guy who called his girlfriend mommy?

dude 2: yeah, dude’s fighting for his life on the gc

by 1lym1lk October 11, 2022

1👍 2👎

mam's life

In the UK, typically somewhere like teeside, this is a phrase to say as a way to promise XYZ is the truth. Mainly used in secondary schools.

Dean: stop chatting shit about my dead nana ya specky cunt!

Mackenzie: what are you on about!?

I didn't say nish. What are you piping up for?

Dean: swear down then.

Mackenzie: mam's life I didn't say ought (out) about your nana, kid fuckin' hell man.

by 49seffy March 14, 2022