When your with a lobby full of people and you start being an annoying peice of shit If I were listening to you I would remove you
“You have been removed from the party”
7 jan, we are allowed to snatch people under 5'3" and yanked them into the air without their consent
Happy International shorty party day alila! *yeeeeet!
You are allowed to snatch a shorty and throw them into the air without their permission
Happy international shorty party day alila!
A single-issue political party that advocates for a disunion of factions that vitiate each others plans instead of working together to improve their country.
The conspicuous incompatibility of the republican & democratic parties' policies evinced a need for " the divorce party " to advocate for a disunion.
Drinking game involving a litre of vodka per person and Mario Party for Gamecube or Wii (Version unimportant).
Simply, at the end of the game at the end each round everyone takes a shot. Game length is dependant on number of rounds played but 25 rounds is recommended.
The benefit of the game is that the shots are well and equally spaced out meaning that people should not be getting sick everywhere. It is also suitable for small groups of people.
"Remember that time we played Mario Party shots"
"Yeah me neither"
A PlayStation party where everybody plays madden, and the homosexuality levels increase. Also, boredom spikes due to the game being awful.
J: “Yo you wanna get on me and Christian are just chilling on madden we made a party”
Angel: “No I’m good bro if it’s a madden party I would rather just chill”
All-male breakup party.
To memorialize a breakup, a party only for the guys. Everyone dresses up comfortably, dressing up only for themselves and not for the ladies. Any drinks stay on the calm side, nobody's going overboard. The night is filled with gaming, delectable food, and occasional harmless dares or jokes. To let off some steam, there's a chill "revenge" ritual, like throwing out some photos of them with their ex, or sharing some bad experiences with their former lovers.
Note: Close friends may attend, but only if the person they're friends with allows it, no matter their gender.
John: "She broke up with me, man!"
Dan: "It's alright dude, just forget about her. We're having a Bruff Party later at my place, you coming?"
John: "Definitely man, thanks. I'll bring some stuff to toss out."