D. is used to describe something that is random or undefined. Basically like that one phrase that Moist Critical likes saying aka "Nothing sandwich" but, it can also just mean a bunch of random stuff like "qmwiddleeduvke"
The reason for why this is how it is is because, D. currently as i'm typing this doesn't really have a universal definition and aspecially isn't popular as, I am the only person who knows of D. as of today.
Also, I love how it looks in ASCII
Your post is turbo D. Wdym by "cake the is yes drank milked"?
D. is used to describe something that is random or undefined. Basically like that one phrase that Moist Critical likes saying aka "Nothing sandwich" but, it can also just mean a bunch of random stuff like "qmwiddleeduvke"
The reason for why this is how it is is because, D. currently as i'm typing this doesn't really have a universal definition and aspecially isn't popular as, I am the only person who knows of D. as of today.
Also, I love how it looks in ASCII
Your sentence is turbo D. Wdym by "The is yes by cake eat brown"?
D is a dick. If your searching it up, your nasty. Grow up. You already knew that. Or... you are a boomer, and you heard your grandson say something about a d on the phone.
His d was huge
1) This website was designed for Gen Z “slang” words, so no generic definitions like “the fourth letter of the alphabet”
2) Abbreviation of the word “dick”. Used when someone wants something big.
3)Abbreviation of the word “Diamond”. used when someone wants something valuable.
1) Read First definition here
2) She want that D man!
3) She want that D man!
'For all the boys out there it's not the size that matters is what is in the soul' quoted from a boy
'3 is too short, it's not big for me l need a man with all six' quoted from my ex
:D ;D