An idiot who unapologetically expresses how much a virgin he is in everything he does, with no shame or thought whatsoever about it. Often dresses in a singular fashion or color, for example, blue.
"Did you see Aaron today? I saw that Blue Virgin zip by on campus on his dumbass scooter."
A delectable sweet treat, that turns your tongue blue, more commonly know as a blue kiss OR blue jolly rancher.
Hey sall we have one blue tiss?
A expensive ass coffee that the beans come out of monkey shit. Crazy ass monkeys get there shit picked through for coffe beans.
Man this Jamaican blue Mountain coffee smells like monkey ass.
When you say your shirt is DARK blue, but your boss hears DYKE blue.
I am wearing blue. It's dyke blue. (Dark blue)
Someone that has blue hair probably doesn’t appear as they seem. Also dont offend this person or you might get choked out by a dog collar.
El Chappo: Did you meet up with that girl you met online?
Putin: Yeah but she had blue hair so I got the fuck out of there.
Blue Hair has a main role in Dojoism, a religion based on Class Dojo, also worshiped as a sort of god.
Stacy- "Did you hear what happened to Blue Hair in our studies today?"
Ellie- "No, what happened?"
Stacy- "Oh yea, you have Dojoism studies next period! I forgot lol."
When life teases you by getting your hopes up with something great, only to leave you hanging in the end.
Yo dude, I was about to nail that TikTok dance challenge, had my moves down and everything, but then my phone died mid-recording. That's the blue ball effect man.