When you connect enough restaurant straws to boof yourself!
When Frank couldn’t find anyone boof him at after hours, he had to resort to the back door Mercado to get the job done.
when you're doing anal and you're getting so into it doggie style and you scrape your partner's back but pull out at the last second and cum in the scrapes.
-wolf pack
man, I've been growing out my nails and tonight I'm totally gonna do a back-scraper
Verb. When you catch a yawn from another and it starts a chain reaction. Can be between two or more people.
We were trying to decide if we should go to bed or watch a movie. She wanted to go to bed so she bunny piggy backed me.
1. Worn out or in a state of disrepair.
2. An adjective used to describe someone who looks like a piece of worn out crap.
1. My converse are so taxed back I need a new pair.
2. Damn, Brittany Spears looks taxed back in that photo.
Back to your youth (?, not sure)
They got a divorce and went back to the green, but you can never go back there again (Billy Joel, Scenes from an Italian restaurant)
When you finish on her back but neither of you have showered.
"I heard Jerry gave Veronica a Cheese-Back last night, band kids are nasty."