Someone:sonic. me: blue sprint rodent.
When you go Crap in a public bathroom and you are the first user and the water is still blue
I had to do my fsotd at a Mickey D’s and was lucky I was Dippin in the blue lagoon
This refers to a post by @gayprotofag that came viral
The post says "why the hell are my notifications fucking red instead of blue and then an image of their notifications being red
Twitter/X: red notification
Person: why the hell are my notifications fucking red instead of blue
Alternate-reality purportedly experienced by some test subjects exposed to an alleged combination of Ketamine, Tobacco, MDMA, and Oxytocin experimented with by the CIA. Experiencers reported a range of similar perceptions such as: Cave was made of substance which pulsed between sapphire and turquoise in transparency and sometimes was reported to expand in size and beauty in response to the subjects’ confusion. Term also generically used to refer to high quality cannabis trips which are followed by prolonged episodes of sleep.
I don’t know where Raúl got that $4!@ the other night, but I got stuck in the blue cave and slept through my Earth Sciences midterm.
The go-to option for an unsolicited dick pic backdrop. Particularly when trying to "woo" somebody.
Hey, I like your blue flannel, Brian!
A level of depression that brings about self-destructive behavior, or even suicide.
Wow, she committed suicide? I knew she was depressed, but I didn't know she was full on Gunmetal Blue.
Derogatory term for voluntary EMS provider.
Susan F is a Blue Cheese Dick after driving the ambulance to a routine standby.