Urban meaning city and dic in dictionary being dick and tion is just a misspelling of in and ary being a person so in an urban place where a dick is in ary
Tim: Hahaha look at this Urban Dictionary!!!
(This is satire pls)
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I found my crushes and best friends names and told then what they mean!! Thx urban dictionary
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“Search it up on Urban Dictionary”
“Thanks man, Gonna try it out.”
10 seconds later
“What the hell”
You’re searching Urban Dictionary- on Urban Dictionary. What kind of uncultured swine are you? You were probably looking up sex stories and your parents walked in, oops! You’re ridiculous to look up this. Go away.
The website you use when someone use slang that you don’t understand... like at all.
I had no clue what he was talking about, so i looked it up on urban dictionary!