Is mid asf. Listen to carti instead. Or uzi, both goated
goat: Carti better that polo g lmao😂
Every sane person: agree
1👍 1👎
Changing the drug to be ingested with another without concent in order to meet a means to an end.
Pull a G on big bird in front of his squad.
Oli G is a literal chad, human god. He is the sole reason humanity still has its will to exist.
Person #1: "woah bro, I was about to kill myself, but then I remembered Oli G and I decided against it"
Person #2: "Same dude!"
foolish or harmlessly eccentric
How did you drop all your food your actually lof g.
Gloria Patri, also known as the Gloria, Glory Be to the Father or, colloquially, the Glory Be, is a doxology, a short hymn of praise to God in various Christian liturgies. It is also referred to as the Minor Doxology (Doxologia Minor) or Lesser Doxology, to distinguish it from the Greater Doxology, the Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
Above your signature line, it is appropriate to write the letters "g/p", which is short for Gloria Patri
Zesrac sie do rzeki, ale w taki sposob zeby dziewczynka obok stwierdzila i napomniala swojej matuli nastepujace slowa "Mamo, mamo patrz wegorz!". Sam autor przyznaje ze dlugi byl skurwysyn.
Widziales co on odjebal?
Znowu Gambit Gana byl robiony!
Ja pierdole.
A tough kid who has bars and can fight.
Yo dont mess with g-woodie he dangerous