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A blue mountain state

When someone on your sports team has a hot sister so you all bang her for good luck

Luke: have you seen Marko's sister

Tony: no why
Luke: i heard the basketball team pulled A blue mountain state on her

Tony:that must have been a long and hard night

by DirtyDan40 November 21, 2016

blue scholar

Someone with a scholarly degree who still has to work a blue collar job.

We have degrees from Penn, yet here we are, working manual labor. Talk about being blue scholar exemplified.

by MarketingMan June 7, 2017

blue neptune

A kind of crystal methamphetamine popular in Malden, Mass.

Hook me up with some blue Neptune?

That will set you back $20.

by Callmemabye2234 July 25, 2014

Blue Level

A level that you can not pass.

Me too my toilet is blue level.

by redmario609 December 30, 2022

Blue name

In Sound's World, blue names are people who are under level 10 in the in-server Mee6 levelling system. They are characterised by not knowing anything about the rules, is likely to be tricked into being immediately banned (N-word bypass or gore), into admitting they're underaged (A direct violation of the Discord Terms of Service), or in general being trolled or gaslighted.

Blue names are the most common target of racism in the server, and although mods made it a warnable offence, not a single mod cares.

*Random person joins*
Blue Name: Hi!
Me: @Blue Name how old are you?
Blue Name: 13
Me: Lying
Blue Name: OK I am 12
Mod: Are you really 12?
Blue Name: Yes

*@Blue Name has been banned 987654321987654321*
Everyone: L :skull:

by someone out there who is bored August 3, 2022

Go Blue

"Go Blue" is a term used by the University of Michigan when cheering for the best team in the nation. It can also be used when responding to anything related to the Worst (Ohio) State University loosing.


by santishere November 23, 2023

Blue (God of DBL40-02S)

The best of the bestest
Champion of every single league in existence (fack checked trust)
One and only Champion and GOD of DBL40-02S (Toshi i will find you if you don't give this man a zenkai)

“Did you know that Blue (God of DBL40-02S) IS the god of DBL40-02S?”


“No he's just a maggot lol”

by aRandomMonkey April 18, 2024