Jamaican slang for relaxing: chilling
Origin :kick back North American to relax, or enjoy oneself.
Kick back-
I'm just home with me baby mother a kickback. Is so me spend my evenings.
1. Cool skate board move
2. Deraggatory insult
3. When you snap a cool wave
1. Wesley lands a sick skate board move then asks Max "Did you see that back stark??"
2. That back stark came right in my house and took my weed!
3. When you smack the lip at Tressles and you ask your friend... did you see that back stark?!
When you use alcoholic beverages (preferably) to make a mixed drink concoction, and you FILL the containers you used BACK with the finished product.
I made a batch of Bailey's Irish Cream & poured all the contents into a mixing bowl and saved the used containers for the fill back.
n. like a backseat driver, but with cooking.
My girl wanted me to cook for her one night, but she kept telling me what I was doing wrong and changing things around to make it "better." She's such a back-burner chef!
😱: Operation: I Smack Backs.
Threesome position where the female lays across the lap of one male, reaches behind and gives him a hand job while the second male kneels beside his buddy and slams her ass
That was a stellar back door handy Melissa, next time though let's not do it on the bus