Knowing the greatest thing that was ever given to you will end because of reasons simultaneously in and out of your control.
He is supposed to be happy now but he has the Emilija Blues
Engaging in typically, romantic or somewhat sexual behavior with other men, for the purpose of personal development not a long term relationship. People Blue-shirt to prepare both participants for future relationships with other people.
An play on the term “red-shirting” because blue shirting is often done in college.
Greg: Why are you always hanging with Todd? That’s gay.
Jim: We’re not gay we’re just blue-shirting until graduation. His girlfriend cheated on him.
When the testicles of a farm animal turn blue
This cow got a Nebraskan car blue
When you give a woman on her period oral pleasure after nutting in her.
In the bathroom at your favorite BDubs Tim gave Melissa a buffalo wing w/blue cheese. After Tim had to brush his teeth vigorously. Also known as Bdub.
Going down on a woman like she’s ya favorite harmonica
Things really heated up after I gave her the blues traveler.
Hashtag #releasethebluesheets for stock market $mmtlp movement fighting for fair and free market trading for retail investors. Phrase was credited to retail investor space host DrewDiligence.
Hey @finra release the blue sheets #releasethebluesheets.
Some annoying guy who has been plaguing discord servers everywhere. The living antonym of The GGG (Good Grammar Gang)
“That dude has horrible grammar.”
“He must be a Blue King.”