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home wrecker whore

A lesbian ginger that fucks up your whole life by spreading her legs to anyone that will pay her attention. Including: husbands, wives, and kids! She will also steal your liquor!

Dude, that home wrecker whore stole everything, my husband, vodka, and panties! We also like to call her the ginger bandit!

by Bottom feeder plankton March 4, 2014

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My Space Whore

A My Space whore is somebody who spends a lot of time on My Space. How to recongnize the Symptoms:
-This person will follow all of the my space trends.
-This person will also have a pimped out my space page.
-You also see the classic My Space picture.
Also know this is a sickness! Don't catch the My Space bug!

Char: "Did you see T.J.'s new picture?"
Becky: "You mean the one were he is looking away from the camera try'n to look all serious?"
Char: "Yeah, thats the one."
Becky: "He is such a My Space whore."


Char: "Hey Becky! Check out my My Space page."
Becky: "Why?"
Char: "I changed it again."
Becky: "You My Space whore."

or even

Char: "How long did you spend on My Space last night?"
Becky: "I was on there 'till 3 o'clock this morning."
Char: "You My Space whore."

by Charmaine M.I. Smith November 27, 2006

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stretched out whore

A woman whose pussy has been pounded so much that fucking her would be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.

I finally got to nail Cathy the other night. I never knew what a stretched out whore she was, cause her beef curtains were hanging down to the ground.

by Mike -Hunt December 30, 2008

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black metal whore

A chick who claims to be a fan of black metal as a means of getting attention from men in the black metal scene. The black metal whore is obsessed with her tits, and takes numerous pictures exposing her cleavage and posts them on her facebook/myspace. She is usually fat, ugly, and a poser who is willing to suck a long haired man's dick for the sake of being considered "metal." She doesn't get along with other girls for the most part. This is partly because shes a fat whore, and also because she can't stand feeling as though her attention is at risk. Favorite bands usually consist of Burzum, Darkthrone, and Mayhem. The occasional black metal whore will like Cradle of Filth if she hasn't discovered that they are shit. But of course, how could she know? It's not like she listens to black metal anyway!

Black Metal Whore: OMG Varg Vikernes is so cute! His story converted me to Satanism.
Black Metal Dude: You do realize that Varg wasn't a Satanist, right?

by nisakuv June 13, 2011

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Sneezing Whore Disease

A whore that sneezes repeatedly.

"I've been sneezing all day, I think I may have the Sneezing Whore Disease."

by DuckyDuck784 December 10, 2012

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Weather Confused Whore

A weather confused whore is a person (preferably female or homosexual male) who wears weather mismatched clothing, which mostly consist of booty shorts.

A Weather Confused Whore wears ;

Uggs and booty shorts
Winter coat and booty shorts
Booty shorts in winter
Not wearing booty shorts in summer

by BooYouFuckinWhore April 21, 2011

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Xbox Live Whore

A girl who regularly goes on Xbox Live to get guys, or rather their attention. This said girl is usually too pathetic and unattractive in real life to get attention from males, so they go on Xbox Live where their sheer voice alone would attract dozens of followers. Xbox Live Whores like to stay in parties or "clans" where there are no other females, allowing her to control and manipulate the males in the group in order to get the attention she craves. Xbox Live Whores like to also go into private chats with one or two members of the group, allowing her to divide the once peaceful brotherhood and force the males in the group to compete over her affection. These girls are usually darker haired or emo, and slightly overweight. Their natural habitat was strictly Halo 3 custom games, but massive communities of Xbox Live Whores have migrated to Call of Duty 4 and Left 4 Dead.

Cupcake Pandemic: Hey J4MINTHESYST3M my bestest friend!

J4MINTHESYST3M: Hey babe whats up?

Combine902: What I thought I was your best friend.

Cupcake Pandemic: I don't know J4MINTHESYST3M has been really nice to me in the past few days so he's my new bff.

Cel3stial: Guys don't fall for her trickery. She's simply an Xbox Live Whore...

J4MINTHESYST3M: Well Combine looks like we're gonna have to fight it out then bitch.

Combine902: Bring it nigga.

Edg3d Sph3re: Dick!

by Cold Nigga July 22, 2009

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