gacha game made in south korea
you're a teacher (normal human) in a *very* abnormal school
the non-gacha part consists of turn-based fighting ig
has a fanbase notorious for their perfect gatekeeping mechanism: embracing the allegations (a.k.a. "uuooooohh ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ") (they may or may not be acting, nobody knows, not even themselves)
Person 1: (sees Blue Archive fanart with questionably young character) ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
Person 2: Hell nawh you freaky, I'm never playing that ong.
An overused google pic used for edgy people that want attention
Yo that guy is so gay he needs to get a blue noose
A music genre with rhythms and structures reminiscent of traditional blues music, but solely composed with synthesizers and modern electronic sound equipment.
to swear, to blackguard, to turn the air blue
Do not make the air blue, it's rude!
When you leave blue cheese out for too long and it goes rotten.
The gone off blue cheese tastes like mold.
The speediest member of the superhero group; The Phantom Rangers.
Blue Matt Ranger was one of the final members to join the elite force of the Phantom Rangers.
With his quick speed he was hastily approved to be a shining member.
the Blue Phantom Ranger is usually stereotyped as the brains of the group, but Blue Matt Ranger is far from it!
PRR: "Blue Matt Ranger...It's Phantom Time!!"
BMR: "Correct!!"
The difficulty you experience falling asleep, when you've become accustomed to playing a podcast or YouTube or tv shows before bed. And then you're traveling and have to sleep somewhere without internet reception. So your bedroom is way too quiet, and there's no external jabbering to interrupt your own existentially tormented thoughts.
"Hey, Edna. Glad to see you're back. How was the camping trip?"
"It was great, but I really didn't get very good sleep while I was out there"
"Oh really? I figured without all the hub-bub from the city, you'd sleep a lot better"
"That's what I thought! But I just felt isolated instead"
"Sounds like you've got a case of the White-Noise Blues"